Presentation - EPF Services for Employers (355. For earlier years employers can request for the annual slips through this portal.Employers can view the annual accounts slip for accounting year 2011-12 online.The contribution will be credited to the members' account on monthly basis.Employers will get the confirmation of payment through SMS instantly.No need to submit other returns viz Form 5/10/12A,3A and 6A.No paper return to be prepared and submitted to EPFO.The employer may choose to make the payment through internet banking of SBI or take a print out of the Challan and pay at any designated branch of State Bank of India (SBI). How to generate PF ECR TEXT file in excel ecr text file format ECR Utility in Excel In this video I am intorucing you an amazing Excel Utility to create Text file to upload. Once approved by the employer online Challan will be popped based on uploaded return. Also Read Download the latest EPF ECR excel sheet format.

Any negative values and values other than numbers will lead to the above error. Employers are requested to Register their establishments and create their user id and password through this portal.The registered employers can upload the Electronic Return and the uploaded return data will be displayed through a digitally signed copy in PDF format. What is Error NCP days invalid value found on line Numbers NCP days should be taken as greater than or equal to Zero in PF ECR file format.